From the Region, for the Region

Turnkey interiors general contractor for Volksbank and Sparkasse FinanzPunkte



In the Hochtaunus- and Main-Taunus-Kreis, Frankfurter Volksbank and Taunus Sparkasse sites are in the process of becoming jointly operated FinanzPunkt branches. Our involvement in this thus-far unprecedented, country-wide cooperation between two competitors is as a local interior design partner and general contractor. The modular design concept and remodel planning come from holger meyer architektur in Frankfurt.

At our Frankfurt Nieder-Erlenbach site, we are currently making furniture and fixtures for several new offices and self-service centres due to open this year. Further FinanzPunkt remodels are planned up to the end of 2021. Details and images to follow.




Münch + Münch GmbH
Im Fuchsloch 8 (truck deliveries: Am Mittelpfad 6)
60437 Frankfurt am Main

T: 06101 5447-100
F: 06101 5447-120

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